Return for Cash
Devuélvelo por Efectivo
El programa Return for Cash de BVO, anteriormente conocido como Programa de Devolución de Residuos Empacados, es el único programa en la industria de los cosméticos que realmente evita que los plásticos y la basura se desechen en nuestro medio ambiente.
Cómo empezó todo
La industria de la belleza produce alrededor de 120 mil millones de piezas de envases cada año, la mayoría de las cuales están hechas de plástico y plásticos no reciclables que terminan en la basura, los ríos y los océanos.
Dado que el consumidor promedio usa de 5 a 10 productos al día solo en su rutina de cuidado personal, entre champús, acondicionadores, desodorantes, pasta de dientes, lociones y otros, sin incluir la cantidad de productos que usamos las mujeres (correctores, bases, sombras de ojos, lápiz labial, rubor, rímel, delineadores de ojos), nos dimos cuenta desde el principio de que necesitábamos posible contener y reducir nuestro propio problema tanto como fuera en lugar de convertirnos en un problema más.
Todas las empresas de cosméticos son parte del problema.
Todos esos envases, tapas y accesorios vacíos de un solo uso — dispensadores de loción, pulverizadores y goteros — incluidos los nuestros, terminaban en vertederos año tras año.
Finding a Solution
No more plastics
Addressing the issue of beauty product waste required a commitment to accountability for every container that left our facility. This was no small challenge.
- Reducing Plastic Usage: Plastics have become nearly indispensable in the beauty industry, a material that many find hard to renounce. However, our commitment to the environment led us to a significant reduction in plastic use. By eliminating plastics, we achieved a 95% reduction in our product packaging, creatively rethinking how we utilize the remaining 5%.
- Prioritizing Glass: We opted against using plastic bottles, tubes, bags, jars and toppers for our products. Instead, we adopted glass bottles and jars, which are more sustainable and align with our commitment to environmental responsibility.
- Repurposing Small Plastic Components: Essential for dispensing products, components like lotion and shampoo pumps, sprayers for misters and toners, and droppers for our award-winning serums needed a sustainable approach. We designed a program to reuse these items multiple times, significantly extending their lifespan and reducing their presence in global waste streams.
How does it all work
Order a refill. Keep the top.
• Order a refill before your product runs out.
• Refill bottles do not come plastic toppers — pumps, sprayers or droppers —, but metal caps.
• Remove the topper from your product. Wash, rinse and sanitize the empty the topper, and attach to the refill bottle.
• Return the empty bottle back to us.
• As a thank you for doing the right thing, you will receive a Gift-Certificate.
We will wash, sterilize and refill your bottle giving each component of our products an endless life cycle for a cleaner, trash free planet for real.
- We've made it easy for you! -
Before your product runs out, order a refill.
*Refills are shipped without toppers, sealed with metal caps or lids.
Remove pumps, sprayers and droppers from your empty bottles.
- Wash them. Fill a glass with water and dish soap. Pump the soapy solution through until fully clean and free of product residue. Repeat as many times as necessary.
- Rinse. Fill a glass with clean water. Pump water through the system to rinse off the soapy water.
- Sanitize. Pump rubbing alcohol through to disinfect the system. Shake off/pump out the excess before use.
1• Remove metal cap from your refill, and replace with your now clean topper — pump, sprayer, or dropper.
2• Rinse the empty bottle to remove all product residue. Tightly screw on the metal cap from your refill onto the bottle to spillage.
3• Mail back your empty individual container, or collect a minimum of 5 empty containers to receive a paid return shipping label.
* Do not remove the labels. We only accept our own product containers. Containers without labels won't be accepted.
To receive a return label a minimum of 5 empties are required. If mailing only 1 or 2 empties please purchase a shipping label from USPS.
- For individual containers, pack your empties safely in a suitable box and attach the label you've purchase from USPS or any other shipping company.
- If you're mailing 5 or more empties, we will provide you with a shipping label and box for you to return the empties back to us.
Instructions on where to mail your empties will be provided via email once you've sent the form below.
10% off code you can use on your next order.
20% off code you can use on your next order.
Once your empties are received in our facility, inspected and approved you will receive and email with your reward code.
- Soap boxes. You can place those in your recycling bin with newspapers and cardboard.
- Containers that aren't ours.
- Metal tin cans. These can be safely placed in the recycle bin.
- Containers without labels. These won't be accepted and won't count towards your refund. Make sure to place each component in the correct bin.
- Toppers, (droppers, sprayers or pumps). Please don't include these or throw them out. These can be reused with your refill bottles. See WASH THE TOPS tab above.
Use the form below to request a Return Authorization Number for your empties. We will email you with instructions on how to safely return your empties.